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Saturday, 19 April 2014

What's Wrong With Calling Western Cartoons Anime? Why Can't I Call My Manga Character Manga?

Being into Asian culture has it's ups and downs. One of the downs is this.

So, I'm in a lot of Facebook groups made around anime and manga and this is where it mainly takes place. On Yahoo Answers, someone was saying how they found it annoying when Westerners call their art "anime/manga style" and not "cartoon".

I can get what they were saying, but it still didn't make sense. I've seen people say the same thing but then do something to completely contradict what they said.

For example,

If I drew something in the style of manga/anime and I called it "manga", people would complain and say that I should call it a cartoon drawing because "anime" and "manga" are words not of my language and since "manga" basically means "comic", I should say "comic" or "cartoon" instead, but then if I watched Japanese animations and called DBZ, Naruto, One Piece and called them cartoons, people would freak out and say that there's a difference between our cartons and theirs, even though "anime" is a Japanese term for "animations" so I wouldn't be wrong in saying that Adventure Time, Ben 10, Family Guy and Western cartoons are anime. Japanese people would refer to them as such.

One minute they want you to speak your language and the next they insult you if you do. Well, a Western person can be a mangaka and draw anime style because people can speak other languages and be involved with other cultures, even if it isn't natively their own, if they want to. I can call Western cartoons "anime" if I wanted because I'm going to go with the original meaning of the word, not a different definition that a different culture adapted with this special exclusive meaning.

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